Friday, September 28, 2012

Oragnize Your stuff (Round 6): Week 4: Papers

this week is paper week over at Organize your stuff challenge at two peas.  I'm still working on this challenge as I have ton of papers.  I'm storing all of my papers into these cropper hoppers. on this bookcase. I like to have all my papers in one spot.
 Here is a closer look: on this shelf is all my solid color cardstock. the first two holders are stampin up, the small holder is stamping up pattern papers. next to it is bazzill papers in three holders--I just started buying these and love them.  the last three holders are other types of papers I have brought over the year. I'm planning to purge some of them as colors I know I won't use at all and eventually using rest up.  the smaller stacks of papers I haven't sort yet.
 On this shelf is all my theme papers, I'm planning to go thur them again to resort as i have more papers to add. 
 this is more papers that need to be sorted and put away that was sitting here since Sunday.  I was able to get in room last night and started working on it.  I'm about halfway done with sorting and purging.

My goal is to finish the pile and reorganize and label holders on  the shelf before the next challenge. I will update once i completed this task.

Tomorrow I will posting some layouts I did for twins' monthly milestones. Until then, have a great day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Organize your Stuff (Round 6): Week 2&3: Brainstorming & Cleaning

Here is pictures of my scrap space--I recently move into this room in January. Not all my scrappy things are here. they are in another room that I'm slowly moving things over. However, i put it on hold when I find out this challenge is starting again. 
So for this week, we are to show our space and brainstorm what our dream room is and go from there.  Everything at its own destination spot. things easier for me to find and put on layout.  As we work thur the room each week, I will explain more what each area means. Right now, I just want to give you the peek here.
September 18, 2012

Next step is to either do an clean slate  which means take everything out or clean one area at time.  I'm going halfway.  As I mentioned before, most of my scrappy stuffs is still in other room, so I'm going to take everything out that doesn't have a place here in this room and move things over as we work on specific themes...  each week.

I haven't work on any layouts this past weekend. I'm hoping to do one tonight we shall see.... Have a great day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's on your workdesk? Wednesday 171

Thats right, It is Wednesday and we check out each others desks and tables to see what everybody is up to. If it's your first time, head over to Julia's HERE for a good old fashion exploring. Past week, I had a complete mess on my table while working my December Daily 2010 album.  I'm so close to finish but it got so bad that i had no room to work on it. So last night, I put all my completed pages in this box while putting some of supplies away and putting all the scraps in pile as you can see on right, some of stamps, I'm using is still there. I also receives some goodies yesterday--tapes for my atg, four new washi tapes, and Tim Holtz  stapler i'm so excited to use. 

As we are continuing on Organize your stuff (Round 6): Week 1: Space Audit , in figuring out how well my scrap area is working or isn't working.  I'm planning to move few things around.   I'll be doing that this week.  I also happen to go to Micheal's today to check out the jetmax cubes.  they didn't have what I wanted on shelf it was clear off lol so i went look around thinking maybe i get a big shot if they were on sale. only thing i saw was big kick and wasn't sure if i can use that for all kinds of dies so i put that on hold then i could on and saw a rolling cart that might be perfect for my cricut bug and die machine to put on plus it was on sale for 50 bucks so i got it to see if it will work for my space.

I'm still not feeling well--some day I'm fine and seem like i can finish what i need to do then other days it seem to hit me so hard.  so I'm just taking it one day at time and hoping for answer soon. 

thanks for reading..

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Organize your stuff (Round 6): Week 1: Space Audit

Welcome to Week 1:

here's the link to the post on two peas and here's the link to wookiemouse's blog.  This week, I'm going work on my December Daily album and figure out what I like and dislike my space. 

so far of what I noticed:

the room is little bigger than the other room.
set up is nice but need a little tweaking.
I realize I prefer to stand to scrap then to sit down.  so I'm in the process of looking into a table at higher height for standing. I have couple ideas.
I'm still organizing things--such as put all my embellishment into color...
I realize i have way too much themes products as I don't use them so I'm going to go thur them to put into color sort and rest is either use it or purge it.

I'm looking forward to really complete this round and have an efficient space to scrap.